Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Female characters from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and from The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy Essay Example for Free
Female characters from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck and from The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy Essay Compare the presentation of two female characters, one from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, and one from The Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy, Pay close attention to their roles as outsiders. In these works of prose fiction, both authors write about women confronted by circumstances that make their lives very difficult. The women are, or become, outsiders of one sort or another. You will need to: show your knowledge of both texts Use quotations to support the points that you make Show a knowledge of the life and times that each author was writing in Show what you understand the term outsider to mean. I am writing an essay comparing Curly`s wife from the novel Of Mice and Men and Rhoda Brook from The Withered Arm. John Steinbeck was born in 1902 and lived until 1968 was an American who lived in California this is where he wrote his novels. He always had jobs on farms during his highschool-years, or, as he was very much interested in science, helped out in local laboratories. After school John went to college at Stanford University but John dropped out of school without a degree to enter journalism in New York. He then returned to California to write novel writer. Of Mice and Men was the first novel that was recognised, Of Mice and Men was first published in 1937. In 1962 John Steinbeck got the Nobel-prize for literature. Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men. Of Mice and Men was a story about two men who move from Ranch to Ranch earning just enough money to last them the week. John Steinbeck wrote this story from experience he also travelled from ranch to ranch so knew what it was like to not have a life and have life plane just dreams to look forward to which were just distance dreams. Steinbeck expresses his feelings on life living on a ranch through Georges character, in the book George was always repeating his story on men living on the ranch and describes them as nobodies. John Steinbeck wrote Of Men and Mice during depression and wrote about two men George and Lenny as the loneliest guys in the world which were like him not going to stay alone they are different and they will achieve there dream and this is what John Steinbeck achieved. Guy swho lived on ranches were usually very lonely but John Steinbeck was not going to be lonely and when too old be useless he wanted to overcome his dream. Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They dont belong no place. They come to a ranch an work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know theyre poundin their tale on some other ranch. They ait got nothing to look ahead to. John Steinbeck then lived in California and wrote Grapes of Wrath a story about people who earned nothing and would work non stop for a slice of bread. Both Steinbecks novels are to do with money and people working so hard to become there dream like Lenny and George their dream was to have their dream house but it was out of their reach and they could not overcome it. Thomas Hardy was born in 1840 and lived until 1928. He lived in Dorset so knew a lot about the place he wrote the withered arm which was set in Dorset during 1825 although Hardy knew a lot about Dorset he set the novel before he was even born. Because the story was set so before his time he had to adapt his knowledge of Dorset to how it was in the 1820s his words had to be old fashioned and include long intense sentences to suit the play in the time it was set. Unlike John Steinbeck, Hardy wrote long sentences with old fashioned words. Thomas Hardy was educated locally and at 16 he worked for an architect. At 22 he went to London to train as architect, he then returned home, he then returned home in 1867 persue his chosen career to write novels. He had even started writing his first novel The Poor Man and the Lady, which was never published. Thomas Hardy wrote about fate and pentimizium, most of his novels were tragedies, and he appeared to grow more pessimistic in later life. He then stopped writing novels and returned to writing poetry. Thomas Hardy wrote the withered arm of which is his best known novel The withered arm DESCRIPTION OF STORY. Both the authors write about women confronted by circumstances that make their lives very difficult. The women are outsiders and are not loved and want a better life. Of Mice and Men written by john Steinbeck has a woman in, in the story her name is never spoken of she is referred to as Curlys wife as though she is his woman. She is the only woman on the ranch so is an outsider, she has no one to relate to. Curlys wife is presented in the Story Of Mice and Men as a tart or a flirt her clothing and her body language create a flirty atmosphere. Her clothing is very tarty she wears red clothing and red makeup and red was the colour usually worn by prostitutes so she is wearing these tarty clothes for attention. Quote Curlys wife description She wants to be looked at, her husband Curly is not giving her the attention she needs and she is feeling lonely and apart from the world, on her own and wants a friend or to be loved. Her husband Curly also lives on the Ranch and treats his wife as an outsider, curly doesnt love his wife he just treats her as a sex object. The withered arm written by Thomas Hardy also has a woman in Rhoda Brook is made to feel as an outsider. Rhoda isnt married and doesnt have a partner, in those days to be a single mum was very unlikely so the people in her town thought she was a witch so she didnt have many friends. Rhoda lives with her twelve year old son in father lodges cottage, Rhoda is very in love with Farmer Lodge but he has a very beautiful wife which Rhoda is extremly jealous of. The thin woman who had not spoken was joined by a boy of twelve or thereabout. Rhoda Brook is not very attractive she is pale, tall and thin. Unlike Curlys wife she isnt beautiful so cannot use her beauty to attract men and get peoples attention. Rhoda is very jealous of beautiful woman so unlike Curlys wife, Rhoda is around other woman so isnt an outsider in that prospective she is an outsider because of men, she is neglected by men and is unlucky in love. Rhodas loneliness and emotional feelings only aid to the boys like Curlys wife she wants to be loved and cared about. Rhoda works on a farm as a milking woman. Curlys wife doesnt work she is just a housewife for Curly. Curlys wife was very much like George and Lennie they all had a dream but none of them came true. Curlys wifes dream was to be a movie star but she could not live her dream because she met Curly, they fell in love and he took her away from the natural world and placed her in a lonely neglected environment on the ranch. On the Ranch she is never spoken to because the men on the ranch dont want curly thinking there is something going on with her wife and another man because he would kick them off the ranch. Curly and Rhoda are very different in appearance but very similar in personality and would be feeling very alike. Rhoda is very modest and lifeless unlike Curlys wife who seems to be very outgoing and flirtatious.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Bartleby The Scrivener :: essays research papers
Most everyone remembers a favorite story that he or she has read. A book that just captivated the reader from beginning to end. But how do authors successfully grab the attention of their readers? Authors utilize specific techniques to convey the characters, setting, and plot effectively. The two short stories Bartleby, the Scrivener by Herman Melville and The Tenant by Bharati Mukherjee do just that. The authors of both stories effectively develop unique characters through description or narration, action, and dialogue, which fit in with both the setting and the plot. The main character in Bartleby, the Scrivener is indeed an interesting one. Although the name of the story may give the impression that the main character is Bartleby, it is in fact the narrator whom we learn the most about. The narrator is described as a very orderly person. His actions and speech demonstrate his fastidious ways. The narrator even shows the reader right from the beginning that he prefers to go about i n an orderly fashion, by the fact that he absolutely must give background about his life and work, before he can begin to tell us about his employee. "Ere introducing the scrivener†¦if is fit I make some mention of my self, my employés, my business, my chambers, and general surroundings†¦" (Meyer, 113). The narrator’s setting, including his office, also shows that he likes to keep everything organized. His office is separated into sections by folding glass doors to distinguish his side of the room from his scriveners’. The narrator also separates Bartleby into confinement. "Still further to a satisfactory arrangement, I procured a high green folding screen, which might entirely isolate Bartleby from my sight, though not remove him from my voice" (118). The reader can see that the narrator likes to have a set way of doing tasks through his actions and interactions with the other characters. The narrator is obviously not one whose dem ands are often ignored. He does not quite seem to know how to react when Bartleby "prefers" not to comply with the narrator’s wishes. "I staggered to my desk, and sat there in a deep study†¦ Was there any other thing in which I could procure myself to be ignominiously repulsed by this lean, penniless wight? – my hired clerk?" (122). Another one of the narrator’s qualities is being pompous. He seems to have an overblown image of himself and puts himself above others.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Hot Wire Laboratory
THE UNIVERISTY OF MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL, AEROSPACE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY REPORT INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT VORTEX SHEDDING FROM A CYLINDER & DATA ACQUISITION NAME:MANISH PITROLA STUDENT ID:75050320 COURSE:MEng MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DUE DATE:27TH NOVEMBER 2012 1) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities?There are many advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities, one of the main advantages is the hotwire produces a continuous analogue output of the velocity at a particular point, and hence information about the velocity can be obtained for any specific time. Another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the ability to follow fluctuating velocities to a high accuracy. Also another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the sensor is able to relate the voltage and the velocity using hotwire theory. However even though hotwire anemometer is an adequate tool to obtain data it has its drawbacks. Read this Respiratory ActivityOne disadvantage of using a hotwire is that it has to be calibrated due to the theory not coinciding with actual data and the hotwire can only obtain the magnitude of the flow and not the direction. Another disadvantage of using a hotwire is the unsystematic effects that occur such as contamination and probe vibration. Some systematic effects that affect the data are the ambient temperatures and eddy shedding from the wire. One of the main disadvantages of using a hotwire is the output depends on both velocity and temperature, so when the temperature of a fluid increases the measured velocity obtained are too low and adjustment is required. ) Why is setting the correct sampling rate important in digital data acquisition? What experimental parameters or requirements can be used to establish the optimum sampling rate? What may happen if the wrong sampling rate is used? Using the correct sampling rate is important because if the incorrect sampling rate i s used some aliasing effects may occur, presenting insufficient data where important data is ignored if the sampling rate is below the optimum, and if the sampling rate is above the optimum more accurate data is obtained which carries the same trend as the optimum with few distortion which are not required.This can cause inadequacy of the data, where recording is not frequent enough or too frequent. The optimum sampling rate can be established using the Nyquist theory which states that the maximum measures frequency is half the sampling frequency, however the bandwidth of the signal needs to considered, the rule for obtaining the sampling frequency of any probe must be at least 2. 5 times greater than the maximum frequency present. 3) Show how the sampling rate was determined for this experiment.What was the sampling rate? For a flow around a cylinder an empirical relation between the vortex shedding frequency and Reynolds number (Re) is used to find the sampling rate. The relations hip below is used to find the frequency in the flow where the Strouhal number is 0. 2, diameter (d) is 15mm and the free stream velocity (U0) is 10m/s. St=fdU0=0. 1981-19. 7Re? 0. 2 Then by simple algebraic rearranging the frequency is found to be 133. 3Hz. Therefore the maximum frequency experienced is 2f = 2*133. 3 = 266. 6Hz.To obtain the optimum sampling frequency we simply by using Nyquist theory multiply the maximum frequency by 2. 5 providing an optimum sampling rate of 666. 5Hz. The values for the sampling rate were taken as 330Hz, 660Hz and 1320Hz for experimental purposes to study the over and under sampling of data. 4) In the experiment the hotwire was calibrated in terms of velocity vs (E-E0)2. Plot out the calibrations for U = B((E-E0)2)n and the various polynomials. Compare the different lines. Which is the best to use? Figure [ 1 ] Figure [ 2 ] Figure [ 3 ]Figure [ 4 ] From the above graphs is can be seen that the best calibration to use is the cubic calibration (figu re 2) as this fits the actual velocity line more accurately. 5) If the velocity higher than the ones calibrated foer was measured, which calibration is likely to give the best extrapolated data? Figure [ 5 ] Figure [ 6 ] Figure [ 7 ] Figure [ 8 ] From the above graphs it can be seen that the worse extrapolated data is found using the quartic calibration and the best extrapolated data can be found using the linear calibration of A([V-Vo]^2)^n.Also higher order polynomial extrapolation can produce invalid values and as a result the error will magnify as high order of polynomials are used, so therefore the linear relationship is recommended. 6) In a fast Fourier transform (FFT) the data in the time domain is converted to the equivalent data in the frequency domain. The original data can therefore be considered as the sum of a series of sine waves of regularly spaced frequencies, with different magnitudes and phases. How is the frequency interval in the FFT determined? How can the frequ ency interval in an FFT be reduced?What impact could this have on an experiment? The frequency interval can be obtained by dividing the sampling rate by the number of samples used. For 660Hz the number of samples is 1024, so therefore the frequency interval is 660/1024 = 0. 6445. The frequency intervals can be reduced by increasing the number of samples used; this is advantageous as it gives a more accurate representation of the original signal. 7) Considering the FFT data, what can be done in an experiment to isolate genuine signals from random fluctuations in the data? Give an example of this in graphical form.Figure [ 9 ] Figure [ 10 ] From figure 9 it can be seen that the peak is unobtainable as the data is very noisy which could be due to disturbances. However this can be overcome by averaging the FFT which allows us to easily identify peaks which can be seen from figure 10. 8) In this experiment, why are 2 frequency peaks seen on the FFT when the hotwire is near the centre lin e? 2 frequency peaks can be seen on the FFT at the centreline due to the 2 vortices induced by the cylinder but as you move away from the centre line only one of the vortices is predominant.The two peaks occur at 129Hz and 250Hz. 9) With increasing distance from the centreline, how does the FFT distribution change? Include graphs to illustrate this for various locations across the wake. From the below figures it can be seen that as you move away from the centre line the peaks in the FFT distribution disappear. Figure [ 11 ] Figure [ 12 ] Figure [ 13 ] Figure [ 14 ] Figure [ 15 ] Figure [ 16 ] 10) Plot the probability distribution histograms of velocity for various positions across the wake.What does the histogram show and how can the variation in the histograms be explained in terms of the properties of the flow? Figure [ 17 ] Figure [ 18 ] Figure [ 19 ] Figure [ 20 ] Figure [ 21 ] Figure [ 22 ] By comparing the above probability distribution figures it can be seen that with distanc e away from the centreline the flow velocity develops a more uniform velocity. It can be seen that within the 40mm distance away from the centreline, the probability distribution of the velocity produces wide distribution of velocities; this is due to the various velocities inside the wake and turbulence.For distance more than 40mm away the probability distribution of velocity becomes more uniform, which implies the vortices play no role in affecting the flow at these distances away from the centreline. It can also be seen that the flow speed at these distances increases as the flow diverges and accelerates around the cylinder. 11) Plot a graph showing the variation of mean velocity, RMS velocity and turbulence intensity with distance across the wake. What physical phenomena in the flow are causing the distribution to be the shape they are?What do the results say about the size of the wake compared to the size of the cylinder? Figure [ 23 ] Figure [ 24 ] Figure [ 25 ] The vortices i n the flow cause turbulence to occur behind the cylinder which causes the distributions to change. It can be seen from figure 23 that the velocity changes instantaneously as you move away from the centreline, it can also be observed that from 45mm away and more the velocity start to become more uniform and fluctuate around the free stream velocity. From figure 25 and 25 from 45mm and onwards the RMS and RTI decrease.From the above graphs it can be deduced that the size of the wake is 45mm from the centreline or a total width of 90mm, which is 6 times the diameter of the cylinder. 12) What are the major sources of error likely to be in this experiment? Try and give a numerical estimate to the possible error(s) in the data. Some of the likely sources of error that may occur during this experiment are the calibration process as the hotwire was only calibrated at the centreline and as the hotwire was lowered using screw mechanism which it not totally accurate, there was no calibration o f the at the new position.Another source of error can be due to pressure fluctuations, and due to the velocity being measured using the pressure differences, these fluctuation can cause the velocity to vary. Another source of error could be the assumption of the flow being 2-d as turbulence is a 3-d. To calculate the error, I used the measured velocity table and the theoretical linear calibration velocity. Taking the average error, the percentage error in the experimental data was 5. 8%. Within a range Can not measure supersonic velocities Hot Wire Laboratory THE UNIVERISTY OF MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL, AEROSPACE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY REPORT INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT VORTEX SHEDDING FROM A CYLINDER & DATA ACQUISITION NAME:MANISH PITROLA STUDENT ID:75050320 COURSE:MEng MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DUE DATE:27TH NOVEMBER 2012 1) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities?There are many advantages and disadvantages of using a hotwire to measure flow velocities, one of the main advantages is the hotwire produces a continuous analogue output of the velocity at a particular point, and hence information about the velocity can be obtained for any specific time. Another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the ability to follow fluctuating velocities to a high accuracy. Also another advantage of using a hotwire anemometer is the sensor is able to relate the voltage and the velocity using hotwire theory. However even though hotwire anemometer is an adequate tool to obtain data it has its drawbacks. Read this Respiratory ActivityOne disadvantage of using a hotwire is that it has to be calibrated due to the theory not coinciding with actual data and the hotwire can only obtain the magnitude of the flow and not the direction. Another disadvantage of using a hotwire is the unsystematic effects that occur such as contamination and probe vibration. Some systematic effects that affect the data are the ambient temperatures and eddy shedding from the wire. One of the main disadvantages of using a hotwire is the output depends on both velocity and temperature, so when the temperature of a fluid increases the measured velocity obtained are too low and adjustment is required. ) Why is setting the correct sampling rate important in digital data acquisition? What experimental parameters or requirements can be used to establish the optimum sampling rate? What may happen if the wrong sampling rate is used? Using the correct sampling rate is important because if the incorrect sampling rate i s used some aliasing effects may occur, presenting insufficient data where important data is ignored if the sampling rate is below the optimum, and if the sampling rate is above the optimum more accurate data is obtained which carries the same trend as the optimum with few distortion which are not required.This can cause inadequacy of the data, where recording is not frequent enough or too frequent. The optimum sampling rate can be established using the Nyquist theory which states that the maximum measures frequency is half the sampling frequency, however the bandwidth of the signal needs to considered, the rule for obtaining the sampling frequency of any probe must be at least 2. 5 times greater than the maximum frequency present. 3) Show how the sampling rate was determined for this experiment.What was the sampling rate? For a flow around a cylinder an empirical relation between the vortex shedding frequency and Reynolds number (Re) is used to find the sampling rate. The relations hip below is used to find the frequency in the flow where the Strouhal number is 0. 2, diameter (d) is 15mm and the free stream velocity (U0) is 10m/s. St=fdU0=0. 1981-19. 7Re? 0. 2 Then by simple algebraic rearranging the frequency is found to be 133. 3Hz. Therefore the maximum frequency experienced is 2f = 2*133. 3 = 266. 6Hz.To obtain the optimum sampling frequency we simply by using Nyquist theory multiply the maximum frequency by 2. 5 providing an optimum sampling rate of 666. 5Hz. The values for the sampling rate were taken as 330Hz, 660Hz and 1320Hz for experimental purposes to study the over and under sampling of data. 4) In the experiment the hotwire was calibrated in terms of velocity vs (E-E0)2. Plot out the calibrations for U = B((E-E0)2)n and the various polynomials. Compare the different lines. Which is the best to use? Figure [ 1 ] Figure [ 2 ] Figure [ 3 ]Figure [ 4 ] From the above graphs is can be seen that the best calibration to use is the cubic calibration (figu re 2) as this fits the actual velocity line more accurately. 5) If the velocity higher than the ones calibrated foer was measured, which calibration is likely to give the best extrapolated data? Figure [ 5 ] Figure [ 6 ] Figure [ 7 ] Figure [ 8 ] From the above graphs it can be seen that the worse extrapolated data is found using the quartic calibration and the best extrapolated data can be found using the linear calibration of A([V-Vo]^2)^n.Also higher order polynomial extrapolation can produce invalid values and as a result the error will magnify as high order of polynomials are used, so therefore the linear relationship is recommended. 6) In a fast Fourier transform (FFT) the data in the time domain is converted to the equivalent data in the frequency domain. The original data can therefore be considered as the sum of a series of sine waves of regularly spaced frequencies, with different magnitudes and phases. How is the frequency interval in the FFT determined? How can the frequ ency interval in an FFT be reduced?What impact could this have on an experiment? The frequency interval can be obtained by dividing the sampling rate by the number of samples used. For 660Hz the number of samples is 1024, so therefore the frequency interval is 660/1024 = 0. 6445. The frequency intervals can be reduced by increasing the number of samples used; this is advantageous as it gives a more accurate representation of the original signal. 7) Considering the FFT data, what can be done in an experiment to isolate genuine signals from random fluctuations in the data? Give an example of this in graphical form.Figure [ 9 ] Figure [ 10 ] From figure 9 it can be seen that the peak is unobtainable as the data is very noisy which could be due to disturbances. However this can be overcome by averaging the FFT which allows us to easily identify peaks which can be seen from figure 10. 8) In this experiment, why are 2 frequency peaks seen on the FFT when the hotwire is near the centre lin e? 2 frequency peaks can be seen on the FFT at the centreline due to the 2 vortices induced by the cylinder but as you move away from the centre line only one of the vortices is predominant.The two peaks occur at 129Hz and 250Hz. 9) With increasing distance from the centreline, how does the FFT distribution change? Include graphs to illustrate this for various locations across the wake. From the below figures it can be seen that as you move away from the centre line the peaks in the FFT distribution disappear. Figure [ 11 ] Figure [ 12 ] Figure [ 13 ] Figure [ 14 ] Figure [ 15 ] Figure [ 16 ] 10) Plot the probability distribution histograms of velocity for various positions across the wake.What does the histogram show and how can the variation in the histograms be explained in terms of the properties of the flow? Figure [ 17 ] Figure [ 18 ] Figure [ 19 ] Figure [ 20 ] Figure [ 21 ] Figure [ 22 ] By comparing the above probability distribution figures it can be seen that with distanc e away from the centreline the flow velocity develops a more uniform velocity. It can be seen that within the 40mm distance away from the centreline, the probability distribution of the velocity produces wide distribution of velocities; this is due to the various velocities inside the wake and turbulence.For distance more than 40mm away the probability distribution of velocity becomes more uniform, which implies the vortices play no role in affecting the flow at these distances away from the centreline. It can also be seen that the flow speed at these distances increases as the flow diverges and accelerates around the cylinder. 11) Plot a graph showing the variation of mean velocity, RMS velocity and turbulence intensity with distance across the wake. What physical phenomena in the flow are causing the distribution to be the shape they are?What do the results say about the size of the wake compared to the size of the cylinder? Figure [ 23 ] Figure [ 24 ] Figure [ 25 ] The vortices i n the flow cause turbulence to occur behind the cylinder which causes the distributions to change. It can be seen from figure 23 that the velocity changes instantaneously as you move away from the centreline, it can also be observed that from 45mm away and more the velocity start to become more uniform and fluctuate around the free stream velocity. From figure 25 and 25 from 45mm and onwards the RMS and RTI decrease.From the above graphs it can be deduced that the size of the wake is 45mm from the centreline or a total width of 90mm, which is 6 times the diameter of the cylinder. 12) What are the major sources of error likely to be in this experiment? Try and give a numerical estimate to the possible error(s) in the data. Some of the likely sources of error that may occur during this experiment are the calibration process as the hotwire was only calibrated at the centreline and as the hotwire was lowered using screw mechanism which it not totally accurate, there was no calibration o f the at the new position.Another source of error can be due to pressure fluctuations, and due to the velocity being measured using the pressure differences, these fluctuation can cause the velocity to vary. Another source of error could be the assumption of the flow being 2-d as turbulence is a 3-d. To calculate the error, I used the measured velocity table and the theoretical linear calibration velocity. Taking the average error, the percentage error in the experimental data was 5. 8%. Within a range Can not measure supersonic velocities
Sunday, January 5, 2020
College Is An Exciting And Nervous Time Of Your Life
College is an exciting and nervous time of your life. It greatly affects what your life will be like afterward. I was super nervous in high school and worried about my test scores. Well, I did end up getting very worried about the tests I think I had the worst score in my class. When applying for colleges came around I knew that my options were limited to a few. I aimed really high, but I don’t regret it because I still was able to go to my second favorite college. My test scores came back to haunt me with my college schedule because I had to pay for my schooling all through my eight years. I became my number one choice for jobs, though. I was on cloud nine when I got to be my dream job because it is a very high-income job. Summing it up I think that the four main parts of college life are; what you did in high school, your test scores and your G.P.A, what college life is like for you, and what life was like after college. High school was a very stressful time because of my test scores, G.P.A, how everything affects you, and extracurricular activities you participated in during high school. My test scores were pretty bad and that’s why I was a little stressed out all through the rest of high school. My ACT was a 22, which was ok. I really don’t want to admit my SAT score was, but since I have to I got a 740. My G.P.A, on the other hand, was great I had a 3.75 in high school. My test scores greatly affected everything. They actually crushed my dreams, to be honest. I hadShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Graduating High School1034 Words  | 5 PagesGraduating high school was a big defining moment in my life. It is a step closer to the real world, a step closer to my future and that is what most exciting about leading up to this day. Preparation to graduating high school was difficult for me there was a lot of ups and downs, but it got easier once I took things more serious and not as a joke. 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